Now that you are on a path to a healthier lifestyle it's time to make some changes in the way that you eat. This really isn't a hard task.... Just pick a meal plan and find recipes that really intrigue you (e.g. a healthy chilli or stir-fry). Also don't forget to mix it up a bit by having something different every night and never live on salad alone. Try brown basmati, quinoa or spaghetti squash instead. Another thing to remember is that you won't be adding salt, or butter to any of your food, so you might want to stock up on some lemons to give flavour to your favourite meals.
Shake Days
While on the 30 Day Cleansing & Fat Burning System you will have two shakes a day which total 240 calories each. You will also have a snack in the morning and afternoon which are no more than 120 calories each. For meal time you can either do supper or lunch but just remember the meal should only be 400 - 600 calories.
Snack Suggestions
1 apple
1 1/2 cup berries
17 nuts
1 1/2 hardboiled eggs
1 PKG Weigh Thins
2 IsaDelight Plus
1 SlimCake
Some helpful tips when going grocery shopping... DO NOT GO ON AN EMPTY STOMACH! This would be just pure torture for anyone starting off. Also stay away from that goodie isle. Pop and chips are not apart of your 30 Day Cleanse so you don't need to be going there.