"Who's that Girl?" That's what I kept asking myself when I saw pictures at family functions or just stood in front of a full length mirror. I've always had challenges with my weight but usually only 10 - 15lbs, not the 47lbs that you see here. That's when I started asking myself, "Is this my new normal? I know that my 20's are long gone but does that mean I'm doomed to be Chunky in my 40's?" This is when I started my search for the ultimate products/program for weight loss and let me tell you there are a lot to choose from out there.
Going into the first one with good intentions... I followed all the guidelines, thinking positive all the while, only to find out this isn't working. I contacted one of the leaders in the program to ask what I was doing wrong and how I could change things. Her answer was that I'm obviously not following the program correctly. That I'm either eating too many calories or not enough. Okay... I'll give it another try, so I kept track of my calories on one of those apps you can get for your phone. That's when the rollercoaster ride began. One week I lost 2lbs, but the next week I found it. This went on for some time, after spending a lot of money on products that didn't work. I couldn't understand how all these other people were showing amazing results and I wasn't. Believe me, I cut out everything and was working out for 2hrs a day 4 days a week. What should or could I do next? I can't give up now!
On to the next solution... or so I thought. This time I was counting points. It's funny because I would go to these meetings where everyone would gather round and talk about saving their points for the weekend so that they could have a couple of beers or a glass of wine. Um excuse me but I don't think beer or wine should be on your list when you're trying to lose weight. Never mind some of the twinkies and cakes that you were allowed. Needless to say, this only lasted 2 months and then I was out of there.
No more wasting time... This one had to work because two of my relatives were able to drop over 20lbs in a month and a half. Hmmm, I'm willing to do something like that. You would figure 6 weeks isn't too long to suffer, but let me tell you it is! The trick to this one was putting drops of liquid under your tongue and only eating 600 calories a day. How does someone not eat... AT ALL? This is not healthy I don't care what anyone says. You should not be depriving your body of nutrients that you can get from a proper diet. Besides it wasn't just weight that I wanted to get rid of, I also wanted a healthier lifestyle. Sure I dropped quite a few pounds, but my skin, hair and nails felt the repercussions from this act. I could have done this same method again to lose the remainder of the weight, but there was no way. I didn't feel any better and it scared me to think what kind of side affects might appear after I had reached my goal. Once I was back to my everyday life, the weight started creeping back. On a positive note at least now I know this is not the lifestyle change I was looking for... So my search continued looking for something healthy, sustainable and easy for the long term.
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